1 What is the last remainder when 223 is successively divided by 4, 5 and 6?
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Families of Integers
2 The least number which is always divisible by 36 and 32 is: Type in your answer as an integer. For ...
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Families of Integers
3 Comment on the following statements: Statement A: Let x be a rational number whose decimal expansio...
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Classification of numbers
4 It is given that N is a recurring decimal given by N=0.abc ¯ where at most two of a, b, c ar...
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Classification of numbers
5 If a number N is divided by 17, then which of the following is/are true A: The number of possible&n...
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Families of Integers
6 Which of the following number can be obtained on rationalizing the given number ...
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Classification of numbers
7 Which one of the following statements is not correct?
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Classification of numbers
8 The set of the squares of all integers can be represented as
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Families of Integers
9 Which of the following is/are true: Statement A: If a number is divisible by both 2 and 3, then the...
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Families of Integers
10 If we divide any positive integer by 3, the possible remainders are 0, 1 and 2. Thus the t...
CAT Quantitative Ability Theory of Numbers Numbers, Properties & Operations Representation of Numbers Families of Integers