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Type : MCQ

Intructions :

Directions: Three of the four sentences given below, when put in a sequential order, will form a coherent paragraph, but one of the sentences will be out of context and will convey a different message than the other sentences taken together. Identify the Odd-One-Out sentence which does not fit into the context. 

Question Statement :

A. This is nothing remotely like "nature fighting back." This is merely nature operating exactly the way we know it operates, the way it has been operating here for some three and a half billion years

B. Very simply, all too often we've acted as though we could make these small, fast breeding creatures extinct down to the very last member, the way we might do with elephants or pandas

C. We can say, "Yes, it's true that we drive a couple hundred species to extinction every day, but there are tens of millions-hundreds of millions-between us and catastrophe."

D. But of course this constitutes a fundamental misunderstanding of biological realities. What we've done in actual fact is make ourselves the chief agent of natural selection in these enemy species.