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Best CAT Coaching In Delhi - CAT | Verbal | Reading Comprehension
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Years before the advent of plate tectonics―the widely accepted theory, developed in the mid-1960’s, holds that the major features of Earth's surface are created by the horizontal motions of Earth's outer shell, or lithosphere―a similar theory was rejected by the geological community. In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed, in a widely debated theory that came to be called continental drift, that Earth's continents were mobile. To most geologists today, Wegener's The origin of Continents and Oceans appears an impressive and prescient document, containing several of the essential presumptions underlying plate tectonics theory: the horizontal mobility of pieces of Earth's crust; the essential difference between oceanic and continental crust; and a causal connection between horizontal displacements and the formation of mountain chains. Yet despite the considerable overlap between Wegener’s concepts and the later widely embraced plate tectonics theory, and despite the fact that continental drift theory presented a possible solution to the problem of the origin of mountains at a time when existing explanations were seriously in doubt, in its day Wegener’s theory was rejected by the vast majority of geologists.

Most geologists and many historians today believe that Wegener’s theory was rejected because of its lack of an adequate mechanical basis. Stephen Jay Gould, for example, argues that continental drift theory was rejected because it did not explain how continents could move through an apparently solid oceanic floor. However, as Anthony Hallam has pointed out, many scientific phenomena, such as the ice ages, have been accepted before they could be fully explained. The most likely cause for the rejection of continental drift―a cause that has been largely ignored because we consider Wegener’s theory to have been validated by the theory of plate tectonics―is the nature of the evidence that was put forward to support it. Most of Wegener’s evidence consisted of homologies' similarities of patterns and forms based on direct observations of rocks in the field, supported by the use of hammers, hand lenses, and field notebooks. In contrast, the data supporting plate tectonics were impressively geophysical instrumental determinations of the physical properties of Earth garnered through the use of seismographs, magnetometers, and computers.


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

The author cites Hallam on the ice ages primarily in order to


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

The author of the passage refers to the "considerable overlap" between continental drift theory and plate tectonics theory most probably in order to


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

The author of the passage suggests that the most likely explanation for the geological community’s response to continental drift theory in its day was that the theory


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

It can be inferred from the passage that geologists today would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about Wegener’s The Origin of Continents and Oceans?