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In sports week at MERI Kolkata, 8 students participated in table tennis tournament. The following additional information is known.

  • The tournament was conducted on Round Robin Basis (i.e each player plays with every other player exactly once)
  • At the end of a match winner awarded 1 point while loser 0 points. There is no tie in the tournament.
  • At the end of the tournament, it was found that no two player has same points.
  • 8 players are seeded from 1 to 8 on the basis of previous year tournament.
  • Chandra got 2 points and Eshan got either 5 or 6 or 7
  • Amit won over Dripto
  • Bhanu lost to Dripto but won over Firoz
  • Chandra lost to Eshan but won over Hemant
  • Eshan lost to Gandhi
  • Firoz lost to Hemant


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

Who won the maximum number of matches?


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

Who won the least number of matches?


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

Eshan lost to which all players?


Type : Subjective

Question Statement :

How many players got more than Dripto?

Type in your answer as an integer. For example, if your answer is 2, type in 2