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Best CAT Coaching In Delhi - CAT | DI and LR | Data Interpretation | Representation of Data | Tables
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The table below presents data on percentage population covered by drinking water and sanitation facilities in selected Asian countries.

                                                 Population covered by drinking water and sanitation facilities

                                                                  Percentage coverage

  Drinking water Sanitation facilities
  Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total
India 85 79 81 70 14 29
bangladesh 99 96 97 79 44 48
China 97 56 67 74 7 24
Pakistan 82 69 74 77 22 47
Philipines 92 80 86 88 66 77
Indonesia 79 54 62 73 40 51
Sri Lanka 88 52 57 68 62 63
Nepal 88 60 63 58 12 1


Country A is said to dominate B or A > B if A has higher percentage in total coverage for both drinking water and sanitation facilities and B is said to be dominated by A, or B < A.

A country is said to be on the coverage frontier if no other country dominates it. Similarly, a country is not on the coverage frontier if it is dominated by at least one other country.


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

Which countries are the countries on the coverage frontier.


Type : Subjective

Question Statement :

Using only the data presented under ‘sanitation facilities’ columns, it can be concluded that rural population in India, as a percentage of its total population is approximately.

Type in your answer as an integer. For example, if your answer is Rs.25, type in 25


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

India is not on the coverage frontier because:

A. it is lower than Bangladesh in terms of coverage of drinking water facilities.

B. it is lower than Sri Lanka in terms of coverage of sanitation facilities.

C. it is lower than Pakistan in terms of coverage of sanitation facilities.

D. it is dominated by Indonesia.


Type : MCQ

Intructions :

These relate to the above table with the additional provision that the gap between the population coverages of ‘sanitation facilities’ and ‘drinking water facilities’ is a measure of disparity in coverage.

Question Statement :

The country with the least disparity in coverage of urban sector is