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Number of students(in thousands) in two different Universities in six years


   Number of students

 ● University-1 
∆ University-2


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

What was the difference between the number of students in University-1 in the year 2010 and the number of students in University-2 in the year 2013?


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

What is the sum of the number of students in University-1 in the year 2007 and the number of students in University-2 in the year 2011 together?


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

In which year was the difference between the number of students in University- 1 and the number of students in University-2 the highest?


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

What was the percent increase in the number of students in University-1 in the year 2011 as compared to the previous year?