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A meteorological agency measured the temperatures (in degree) across six cities for ten consecutive days. Every day, the agency measured the temperature in each city exactly once and at a specified time of the day. The agency also observed that, during this ten day period, the temperature in any city across two consecutive days either remained constant or changed by exactly 2 degree. The following chart provides the maximum and the minimum temperature recorded during the ten days for each city.


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

If it is known that the average temperature over the ten days in one of the six cities was 25 degree, which of the following cities can it be?


Type : Subjective

Question Statement :

If any day on which all the six cities had the same temperature is called an 'Iso-thermal‘ day, then what is the maximum possible number of  'Iso-thermal‘ days during the given period?

Type in your answer as an integer. For example, if your answer is 25, type in 25


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

On which of the following days, can all the six cities have a temperature of 22 degree?


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

If the temperature of City 3 is 26 degree on day 5, which of the following could be the minimum average temperature (in degree) for this city over the ten days?