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The line graph below shows the number of students who passed in a school over a period of six years.

The second line graph below shows the number of boys and girls who passed as a percentage of the total number of boys and girls respectively.


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

Which of these years showed the highest number of students passing as a percentage of total number of students?


Type : Subjective

Question Statement :

How many boys failed in the year 2012?

Type in your answer as an integer. For example, if your answer is 25, type in 25


Type : Subjective

Question Statement :

What is the number of students who failed in the year 2011 as a percentage of the total number of students passed  in that year?

Type in your answer as a decimal number rounded off to two decimal places. For example, if your answer is 6.588%, type in 6.59


Type : MCQ

Question Statement :

If the number of boys and girls who passed as a percentage of the total number of boys and girls in year 2014 remain same as in year 2013 and the total number of students increased from year 2013 to year 2014 in the same proportions from year 2012 to year 2013, what is the number of girls who passed in year 2014?